*Grand Mountain Hospital is home to a wide array of doctors and surgeons. It has one of the best medical practitioners in all of America. With more than 100 years of being open, it has treated thousands of patients.
Recently, a Diagnostics team has been opened for the three top doctors on board. After a few months of smooth sailing and 150 solved cases, a new patient comes on board. The team are about to find out that this will be the hardest case they’ve ever had to solve.*
The story is based around the show Dr. House. I’m looking for a few players who would be able to solve similar cases and make sense of everything. You don’t require any medical training - just general knowledge of how the human body works and lots of googling.
Hosted and narrated by:
Dino Getov (TingTinger)
Started 06/05/16.
Scenes played: 1
License: Community License