In the land of Middle-earth, to the south of Gondor and Mordor lies the vast land called Harad. It is a harsh, unforgiving place, composed of an arid savannah along the River Harnen and the coastal land to the north, a scorching desert, the Nâfarat, spreading out over the interior, and a dense jungle in the far south.
Harad has been shaped by conflict, ever since the Second Age. Great kingdoms, tribes, and chiefdoms have risen and fallen, all warring against each other and the Northron men of Gondor. The harshness of the climate has made the Haradrim a hardened, unyielding people.
Deep within the Nâfarat lies the Great Tribe of Hâkan’Ar, a nation comprised of hundreds of nomadic clans who travel the wastes from oasis to oasis in search of water and cattle. The Dardât’sha are one of the largest of these clans, some sixty members with two Mûmakil.
But dark times are coming, even for the sun scorched land of Harad. In the face of such darkness, the Dardât’sha could very well be scattered to the wind like so many clans before them. For the Dark Lord is gathering all to him, and binding them in darkness.
I would prefer if players had some knowledge of Tolkien’s works, either the books or the movies. While the game speed is set to slow I do expect players to move once or twice a day. If you have any questions, let me know.
Hosted and narrated by:
Richard Cox (popcornColonel)
Started 04/10/15.
Scenes played: 3
License: Community License