Looking for one more magic user
Mere isn’t the nicest city in Arlesey. In fact, it may be the foulest, most corrupt place on the continent. Covering the width of a land bridge between the northern and southern halves of the continent, it became the hub for all traffic, trade, and depravity. One could not find a place less conducive to human comfort anywhere on the continent.
That is, until the City of Dust appeared. One morning, after a particularly treacherous storm, Mere woke to see a strange structure on the horizon. An island city had appeared out past the harbor as if from nowhere. Massive golden stone walls covered in dust and sand rose straight out of the sea, daring anyone to approach.
In this gritty, magipunk-style setting, players (max 4) will take the role of a band of mercenaries/problem solvers. You are simply the people a person of influence would hire to get something done.You work for a man named Grim who is remarkably gifted at finding you work, and the appearance of the City of Dust represents an awful lot of potential work. And an awful lot of competition.
Sanderson’s First Law of Magics: An author’s ability to solve conflict with magic is DIRECTLY PROPORTIONAL to how well the reader understands said magic.
Magic in this setting will be remarkably simple. All magic is simply a supernatural energy transfer.
If the players wish to be able to use magic, check out this small document for more info. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pEpAlC2Xy2WaTOeXfXaNllIgxfSmpN8ure5e5JS4CYA/edit?usp=sharing
After characters have been approved, each character will receive two additional Assets that correspond to their chosen Nature.
Hosted and narrated by:
Matt Cleveland (androyd)
Started 04/16/14.
Scenes played: 1
License: Community License