The DSS Tempest and her crew are assigned the specialized task to elect a new Spectre out of the dozens of candidates on board. Turians, Asari, Quarians, Krogan, Humans, there are candidates from all the major players. Each with an impressive story to tell and recommendations from their superiors.
They all speak of the Spectre who will act as trainer and judge when the time comes to pick the fittest of the fit. Nihlus, I think his name was. He’s a legend to those who have ever heard of him. Sort of a ghost the Council taps when they need to get things done, and has decades of experience under his belt.
“Remember, this is a test, not a competition,” they said back at the Alliance station. Sure doesn’t feel like like that now.
Hosted and narrated by:
Ian Phoenix (IndigoPhoenix)
Started 08/07/14.
Scenes played: 1
License: Community License