S.H.I.E.L.D. has fallen, Hydra had returned. Director Fury has vanished assumed dead and Agent Coulson has called all remaining loyal operatives. Still it is not enough, resources are limited, as are safe houses. The world needs saving and one department has been overlooked by Hydra, the Sentient World Observation and Response Department codenamed S.W.O.R.D. the department that deals with aliens. Hydra needs to be fought, but other dangers require attention. Worst of all long range probes have detected the Phoenix Force heading for earth again. What a week, when it rains it pours Apocalypse.
Now a new team is being recruited to hopefully save us all.
Avatar will be preferred. Looking for one of at least each type, or close to 5-7 players.
Characters are going to be mid to late teens early twenties, unless you chose alien in which it can be strange, also, nine realms like Thor are considered Alien and were not looking for already existing characters, originality counts, though you can be like apprentice or related to known characters.
Hosted and narrated by:
Chris Flagel (DominionChris)
Started 09/25/14.
Scenes played: 6
License: Community License