Welcome To Magica High
Magica High is just like every other school. It has jock, cheerleaders, nerds, band, goth, loners, teacher’s pets and the dreaded school bully except everyone has magical power.
Magica High has been around for 50 year to assist ‘gifted’ students in protecting them from the outside world while encouraging them learn and experiment with their powers.
Starting in year 7, magically gifted children are sent to Magica High. Living in dorms, surviving assignments and hormones are the least of everyone’s worries. Students have to deal with power bursts, harsh side-effects and in-stable power balances.
“Non-gifted” groups have tried to shut the school down and have the teachers and students locked away. for ‘safety purposes’ but have been stopped time and time again. In the resent year year these groups have been gaining power and started banding together to take down the school.
A new group of students are starting the year at Magica high. Room assignments, class timetables, club sign up and musical audition await, but for now they are being funneled into the main hall for the beginning of orientation.
Hosted and narrated by:
Ashleigh (Cerberus)
Started 02/09/15.
Scenes played: 7
License: Community License