Based on the world: “Space Adventure” by
World type: Open
In the 22nd century, humanity ventures into deep space in search of knowledge — and power. Space is vast and humans aren’t the first to explore it but thousands of planets and stars have yet to be claimed and humanity intends to make a home for itself among the stars. This deck describes the deep-space starship Dauntless and her crew, embarking on a new mission of exploration beyond the colonial boundary…
Collaboration style:
Story format:
Short story
License: Community License
Host’s rules: none specified
Info for invitees and applicants: none specified
Card settings:
Word limits: 400 player /
3000 narrator
This game completed Invalid date.
It started 04/13/2016
This game started 9 years ago
and has
8 words,
1 scene,
0 moves,
and 0 comments.