Humans, as long as any of them can remember, have been imprisoned beneath the earth. No guards tend the jailed, and yet thoughts of escape have left the minds of those within. Lethargic and weak, humanity forgot the necessities of the surface – food, water, sleep and rest, all disappeared with the fable of light, a rumor passed along cracked lips.
The climb from the prison was steep, and the tall steps seemed intended for something much larger, but the aching feeling in their chests, the mind-bending call would not allow the fated two to stop. Suddenly beset by light, by a foreign force unknown to any of their kind, the two paused a moment to rest.
The sky darkened as a veritable horde of Revenants descended upon them.
(OOC) Hello everyone! This story has been quite a while in the making, and as I have just recently come into quite a bit of free time, I’ve finally managed to string out the clearer thoughts into a handful of semi-readable sentences.
There are a few highly important aspects of this game, chief among them being that of character interaction. I’m going for a cast of four, two humans and two Revenants, to be paired off once applications finish up. The nature of these relationships will lead to lots of interactive moves, and writers are encouraged to be proactive and develop situations, rather than just react to them. As the style of this narrative is not omniscient, a lot of the story of the world will not be immediately available to you, and you must make decisions based on the knowledge you possess at that point in time. The story as it unfolds will obviously be explained, but the world lore, what happened before the fated two escaped the prison, will not be explicitly stated. However, this is not to say I will be leaving you in the dark. Knowledge will be a large theme, and while it is not vital for plot continuation, you will get much much more out of the game by speculating as to the meaning behind what one character said, and the importance of why (s)he said it. There are situations in which the obvious solution is not the most beneficial one, and might even end up hindering you.
That said, this game is going to be lighthearted in its approach to violence. I’m fine with killing and gore, write about it to your heart’s content, but this is not meant to be an ultra-dark fantasy. Combat, while interspersed throughout the story, will not be the main focus; rather, this is an exploratory story, a fact-finding mission set in a world where true knowledge is, for the most part, gone.
If you have any questions, feel free to PM me. I’m on most times of day.
Happy trails.
Hosted and narrated by:
Started 06/16/15.
Scenes played: 3
License: Community License