A bunch of quirky steampunk characters doing quirky steampunk things. Adventure awaits, as well as unique adventures (each card was written by the narrator, no generic ‘steampunk’ cards), and lots and lots of secrets.
Type of story: Little to no romance, high adventure involving lots of plot twists and random locations, some questionable morals (stealing, for example).
Setting: Steampunk city with endless nooks and crannies, not all of them safe.
Characters: Flawed (of course), realistic (I really like good characters, it’s one of my favorite aspects of storytelling).
Mood: Dramatic, at times humorous, more drama, even more dramatic.
I take my story writing seriously. If we’re going to have fun writing a story, we’re going to have fun writing the best story ever.
Hosted and narrated by:
Started 05/22/14.
Scenes played: 2
License: Community License