Janus was one of several astronomically sized colony ships sent to Alpha Centauri. Loaded up with colonists in cryogenic sleep, a well trained crew, and the best technology available. It and its payload was to lead the way to the spread of humanity across the stars.
Something went wrong. The rest of the fleet is long gone. The technology meant to terraform the destination has gone haywire. Electrical failures lead to many colonists being awoken early and forced to survive. Stark metal corridors and bays blend into luscious greenery. Robots originally meant for labor and maintenance run haywire through the corridors as well as cloned animals.
Over 60 years have passed. Those colonists and crew that survived the initial catastrophe’s have built settlements all over the ship. The margin between death, survival, and thriving is a thin one.
The Players are all part of one small settlement to start and this game will largely be a sandbox style game with the occasional episodic arc.
Hosted and narrated by:
Ben N (Ben_Naveaux)
Started 06/13/14.
Scenes played: 2
License: Community License