Dear guest,
You’ve been cordially invited to attend Mr. Charles Florence’s dinner party. It will be placed at Mr. Florence’s humble abode on Wednesday, August 9, 2017, at approximately 7:00 pm. There will be appetizers served by 6:45 pm for those that would like to come early. Please dress accordingly, as this is a formal dinner.
Mr. Florence asks for nothing in return, only that you enjoy his company. He also asks that you refrain from bringing any electronic devices (such as cell phones, cameras, recording devices, etc) to his party.
With this letter, you will receive one ticket for admission. Please bring that with you. There is no need for RSVP.
Signed and Dated,
The Butler.
Hosted by:
Andi W. (CannibalCarrots)
Rotating narration
Started 08/05/17.
Scenes played: 1
License: Community License