The latest shipment of criminals has arrived. You find yourself among this group dropped onto the shores, soon to be forgotten. This isle has recently
turned from prison to graveyard, claiming the lives of countless rebels - those who dare oppose the Isle, for whatever reason that may be: research, humanity. Oh, the irony.
Stranded and alone, you must triumph against threats both natural, human and mysterious in pursuit of escape … if escape is even possible. Otherwise, you will waste away on this island if you manage to survive. For it is not only rebels who have been sent here to rot, but all criminals who avoided death, including those who shouldn’t have.
But humans may be the least of your worries. There have been rumours of ancient darknesses lurking in these shadows. It might just be a tall tale, but it might also be your demise.
Do you dare escape the Isle? Dare to try and face the weapons of humankind? Or do you dare tempt fate? Fight against the monsters of the island?
Choose with haste because time is not in your favour. We arrived just moments ago. Welcome to the Island of Exile.
Hosted and narrated by:
Treetroll The Tree (Treetroll)
Started 08/11/19.
Scenes played: 2
License: Community License