47 years ago, a wormhole connecting the Milky Way with the Sunflower Galaxy (also known as M63) appeared. Mankind launched a swift and succesful colonization effort, aided in large part by the discovery of two garden planets (Baressia and Arta) within M63.
10 years ago, the wormhole mysteriously disappeared. The hundreds of millions of people residing in colonized M63 were left with no way to contact those in the Milky Way. Though FTL technology had been making steady advancements, it would still take centuries to traverse the distance between the two galaxies.
The loss of the wormhole, while damaging, was not debilitating to the humans of M63. They’d had ample time to colonize and establish themselves. While some effort was put forth to reestablish communications with the Milky Way, something of greater importance dictated that attention be focused elsewhere.
Six years ago, the Conflux appeared. It was mankind’s first encounter with an alien race. It was also nearly their last. The Conflux posessed technology that was a complete enigma to even the brightest of human minds. When they attacked, they devastated and they left nothing behind once they left. Thousands of humans vanished in the aftermath of Conflux raids.
The threat was dire. A joint security-military firm known as Sisyphus Armed Forces (SAF) began production on two prototype warships. These ships, known as Aegis and Kopis class, suceeded where no other military vessel could succeed. Their creation turned the tide of the war. Fleets of them were deployed throughout colonized M63 and the instances of humans vanishing dropped significantly.
Currently, most of the galaxy is still centered on the war with the Conflux. However, for those dwelling on the Iobates spaceport, other problems have arisen. Located in the Proetus system on the very fringes of colonized M63, the port is a hub of activity due mainly to its proximity to several large mining operations. For the same reasons, it’s also where many black market transactions take place. Iobates has some security in the form of stationed SAF soldiers and a local authority force, but the port is so vast that even their vigilant patrols can’t possibly put an end to all things illegitimate that occur there.
Life on the outskirts of colonized space is risky for a number of reasons. The Conflux are known to strike in systems that are isolated from others, such as Proetus. Encounters with raiders–looking to forcibly take precious resource cargo from mining ships and SAF carries both–is common. Living on Iobates is not for the faint of heart or those that lack a sense of adventure.
And now things are about to take a different turn. The Conflux is not the only hostile species out there, as those on Iobates are about to discover. And given how great an enemy the Conflux are, can M63’s human population survive another threat of that magnitude?
Narrator’s Notes: Your character will be stationed on the Iobates spaceport. I’m looking for 5-7 players. I’ve created my own cards, but feel free to create your own as long as they’re relevant to the story’s universe. Only one of each nature is needed, so please look at what’s already been submitted when applying.
This game shares a universe with another game I’m narrating (link: https://storium.com/game/crux). That game focuses on the war with the Conflux while this one will focus on not only first contact made with another species, but the issues of inhabiting a space port in a solar system rife with raiders. If you’d like a better idea of the history of the universe these games are based on, you can find a reference guide here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KJWV8AfC8EWxPtu1P3toEc7dms4fJruVkQySxVWYQ5c/pub
This game won’t necessarily be moving fast, but it will be steady. If you can’t commit to posting AT LEAST 1-2 times a week, this may not be the game for you. Additionally, this game will probably contain strong language, violence, and disturbing imagery, so consider yourselves warned.
Character selection and gameplay probably won’t start until next week sometime as I’ll be away most of the weekend. If you submit a character and don’t hear from me immediately, please be patient. :)
NOTE: Some natures have already been filled. Natures NOT filled are: Port Medic, Ex-Raider, Merchant and Former Aegis Crewman. I’d REALLY like to have a medic.
If you have any questions regarding this story, please feel free to email me at solrhyo@gmail.com.
Hosted and narrated by:
Pam K. (Pamphetamine)
Started 07/21/14.
Scenes played: 2
License: Community License