You’ve gotten into the nation’s most prestigious tech college, the Murdane Institute of Science and Technology, and secured a place as a Dream Studies major.
The department had just been created, shortly after scientists at MIST showed the existence of the dream dimension - a fifth dimension that our souls travel into when we dream. A host of advances followed - technology to record and program dreams, to send people to specific places in the dreamworld, to create places there that persist even after we wake up. The machine for this is called the Maker, and it sits in the dream lab, not yet approved for public use.
Many have gathered: students curious about the emerging field, businessmen eager to capitalize on the technology, psychics desperate to connect with what they believe to be the “spirit world.”
All is not well, however.
“The occurrence of nightmares worldwide has grown by 50% over the past 20 years. Perhaps a multitude of different factors - the pace of modern life, the stress of work, the strain of economic uncertainty - have created this psychological disease. Or perhaps there is a deeper reason related to the dreamworld that we have yet to discover.”
You’ll start off at MIST, getting used to college life - homework, parties, clubs. But you might end up somewhere very different.
Looking for 3-6 players, mostly “freshman,” (i.e., as your nature card) and perhaps 1-2 others.
Some scenes will be goal-oriented and others will be exploration-oriented. I highly encourage players to “write MIST into existence” by describing the campus, its history, your daily activities.
Please include in your character description why you interested in dream studies, and anything else you think you’ll be doing during college (study all the time? party? join sports/clubs?). When you submit your character, in the private chat tell me your character’s greatest fear. Feel free to edit the cards or come up with your own.
Note I’m more likely to approve your character if you have different strengths/weaknesses/goals from existing characters.
Hosted and narrated by:
Holden Lee (silversheep)
Started 02/04/15.
Scenes played: 8
License: Community License