In a semi-fictional early 19th century America, the loyal bond between these brave swordsmen is all that stands between a burgeoning young country and that long dark night.
One part bodyguard, one part spy, one part Marine they must battle the storm of thieves, spies, and traitors to show that they and their country can remain – Indivisible!
This story is only semi-historical: there will be some fictional elements such as possibly airships or clockpunk gadgets, however they are not available to characters.
All characters wear a uniform of a dark blue frocked watch cloak and navy blue tri-corner hat. All also bear a small golden coiled rattlesnake pin, as a mark of their time as US Marines. Above that is pinned a copper US Marshal’s badge. They each bear a brace of 1805 Harper’s Ferry flintlock pistols, in addition to their sword.
Danger! Romance! Swordfights!
Inspirations: Scarlet Pimpernel, Baron Munchausen, Zorro, the Black Count, Count of Monte Cristo, Man in the Iron Mask, Three Musketeers, Touch of Evil boardgame, Le Chevalier d’Eon, Rose of Versailles, Sleepy Hollow TV series, Assassin’s Creed 3
Hosted and narrated by:
Dayv Krayn (fimarach)
Started 05/17/14.
Scenes played: 6
License: Community License