The Night War rages on. Citadel City burns.
Survivors of the Conclave use their mystical might to strike back against the undead that flow through the city, altering its balance forever.
Werewolf assassins strike at will. The network of hunters that once suppressed these supernatural battles has been badly decimated.
The mortals of the city are tense. They do not know why, or the true source of the unrest that throbs in the streets. They do not understand that they are living in the battlefield, and each night could bring the end.
The newspapers are misleading, the police have strange priorities, and firemen do not speak of what they find in burning buildings. Trust withers like parchment kissed by flame. Fear sends taproots deep into the living and the dead. If the Night War continues, no one will win.
A small band is trying to restore the balance.
I am looking for 3 players, agents to enter a wartime situation to try and settle down the hostilities before the city is torn apart.
I’m looking for people who are willing to act as partners (though the occasional splitting up is okay.) I want players who can play a few times a week; I will try and keep the ball in the player court, so more active players will be supported with the occasional break on my part.
Hosted and narrated by:
Andrew Shields (Andrew)
Started 07/12/14.
Scenes played: 5
License: Community License