In 2274, a space ship large enough for a community of over five thousand took off as the Earth was being razed by climatic disasters. The ship, Little Earth, was directed to a habitable planet that would take many generations to reach. Politics were put aside for long enough to get a diverse segment of the population aboard in hopes of not dying out as a species. The ship’s inhabitants are much like a blueprint of all humanity, unsure what might help them to survive in a new environment. However, after liftoff, the population of Earth was able to continue cooperating for long enough to develop faster than light travel, even as they were forced to consolidate. Now, as Little Earth arrives at the planet, they find that people from earth have been living there for several hundred years already, concentrated in the large city of Horizon.
Leaving the ship is a careful process that could take a very long time. There are hundreds of thousands of people in Horizon and surrounding cities and settlements, but Horizon can’t process over five thousand unskilled, unacclimated people at once, no matter how important a part of history they may be. Most have to wait for gradual disembarkation, but you and a few others are the first civilians off, after a limited number of high ranking crew members. They are chosen for different reasons, which applicants must come up with and include in their application. For instance, did they have a medical issue only resolvable by technology found on the planet? Were they rich enough to spend the entire trip in cryo? Are they an expert in some field interesting to Horizon City? The selected PCs are brought down to help determine the best way to integrate the rest of the Little Earth passengers with the general population. No pressure, they’re just the sole representatives of their entire community and way of life on a planet they desperately need to help them.
Click here for a dab more info.
Hosted by:
Iris Shreve (Shrevei)
Rotating narration
Started 07/04/20.
Scenes played: 1
License: Community License