War and Humanity are synonymous, history paves the way for that grim truth. WW III was the quickest war in human history, lasting only 12 hours and not a single shot fired, all it took was a few heads of major corporations with a lot of political friends.
Entire countries now belong to businessmen and their word is law, but there are those who would fight. The military are their enforcers, and sadly with a promise of safety for their loved ones troops actually turned their guns onto the people they were meant to protect. You are one of those people.
Driven from your homes you pick up arms to fight the good fight but for the losing side. Like an ant against a tidal wave you struggle through the streets to try and take back your home land, will you succeed or is the world doomed to slavery?
(Customization is open, all i ask is that it fits the theme. Also this isn’t a requirement, but not every play should be a Billy or Brittney Badass. Although if you want to play ex-military feel free, just explain why you didn’t take the deal.)
Hosted and narrated by:
Started 05/15/14.
Scenes played: 1
License: Community License