Game Setting
Grimm Harbor Washington, is one of the fastest growing cities in the Pacific North West. Located on the Pacific Coastline west of Seattle and on the Quillayute River, Grimm Harbor is best known for its waterfalls, its lush forest, and its diverse fishing and hunting. Originally a fishing town populated mostly by members of the Native Quilente Tribe, Grimm Harbor has recently evolved into a busy College Town and Green Information Technologies hub thanks to the work of Henry Travis, CEO of Terra-Tech Industries. Terra-Tech Industries is a Native owned and environmentally friendly technologies company. Their leading products are solar roadways and glass, a technology that has benefited both the City and its newly accredited community college, Grimm Harbor University. Go Grimm Harbor Orcas!
However, not is all as it seems in Grimm Harbor. For ages the Quilente Tribe has stated that the forest outside the city is sacred and has a connection to the spirit world, and has fought to keep it safe from over development and deforestation. In the last one hundred and sixty three years, the elders of the tribe have noticed an increase in mystical activity in the forest. This increase in activity has come in the form of Changelings, wandering out of The Hedge after years of slavery at the hands of the True Fey.
The Quilente Tribe’s elders, sensitive to the otherworldly nature of the Changelings, allowed these Lost to live in peace in Grimm Harbor side by side with them and white settlers. Over the years the Changeling population has grown from a small handful to just under forty. The Changelings came and went over the decades, but eventually the Lost population grew large enough to warrant the formation of Changeling Courts and the signing of a Freehold Pledge between them. The Freehold of Star Cascade was formed.
You are a Changeling, a newly escaped Lost, who by luck or skill somehow escaped their Keeper and ripped themselves out of The Hedge and back into the world of mortals. This was once your home, Grimm Harbor, before your keeper stole you away from your mortal life and enslaved you. You’ve returned to the real world, but you are different now and so is the world. How will you survive? How will you stay sane? Is there any way to get your former life back? Is that even what you want anymore? All these questions assault your mind as you dragged yourself bleeding and broken from The Hedge. As your senses adjust to the realm of mortals your memories fade and you forget most if not all of your Durance, your enslavement. Flashes of nightmare torment your mind and remind you that you escaped, you are a fugitive, and soon…you will be hunted.
So you press on, towards your new life, to find safety. A Lost soul in a homeland that is foreign somehow, missing a part of itself that was taken, uncertain. How do you survive? How do you stay sane? Is there any way to get your former life back? Is that even what you want…anymore? When will your Keeper come…for you?
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Please add to your character’s Bio. Page along with your character back-story. However, do not add any secret info to your back-story yet.
Changeling the Lost : Storium - Character Sheet
Court Mantel Rank:
Court Good Will Status:
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Secret Info E-Mail to
Who and what is your Keeper:
Who is your Fetch:
What was your time in Arcadia, your Durance, like:
How did you escape:
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Character Creation Overview:
The available Seemings are: BEASTS, DARKLINGS, ELEMENTALS, FAIREST, OGRES, or WIZENED. Kiths are the sub-races of the Seemings, all Kiths are available and duel Kiths are allowed with my permission. Please let me know what you want to play ahead of time so I can make you a Nature Card. is an excellent wiki for CtL and has a listing of Seemings, the Seeming Blessing and Curse, and Kiths.
The available courts are: AUTUMN, SPRING, SUMMER, and WINTER. You may start as/or stay court-less if you so choose.
Court Mantel:
Your rank within your chosen court, it also bestows supernatural benefits as your bond with your season grants your minor gifts and interesting “special effects”. At start of game this is zero.
Court Good Will:
Your status as a friend to a court you do not belong to. Depending on how much you are trusted by that court depends on if they will aid you, trust your counsel, and if its nobility will teach you their court’s Contracts. At start of game this is zero.
At game start all characters will be new changelings with a Wyrd of 1. Please review this link for an idea on how Wyrd works in table top.
For the purposes of Storium, Wyrd will act as a gauge for your characters’ power level. It will give us an idea of how much Glamour your character may store in themselves, how much Glamour they can spend before they are exhausted, and how easily you should be able to resist a supernatural attack. Please use your best judgment and play fair. This is an honor system.
You can back Glamour by “feeding” on emotions. Feel free to narrate this out or not. I will assume that when time passes, your characters have replenished themselves however it is they do. Good description of emotional feeding however, will be rewarded.
Glamour is all up to the player to relegate, if you know your character has been spending a lot of Glamour in a scene and has not had the ability to replenish, then you should play them exhausted and on edge. They are hungry for Glamour and NEED it. More over, once you feel they have used up all their Glamour then they can no longer activate abilities or contracts that use Glamour. Again, please use your best judgment and play fair. This is an honor system.
Clarity is based on a 1-10 scale, one being bat shit cray cray psychopath and ten being on the same level as a holy Buddhist monk. At start of game all characters should start at 7.
If your character goes down in Clarity I will assign derangements if applicable. A derangement may come into play as Single Character challenges that distract a character from other challenges and use up their cards for a scene. For example, while the party is fighting the “scary bad thing” you are battling your mental issues and are too busy to lend a hand.
If your character goes up in Clarity I will give you the Asset Card: Greater Supernatural Sense. All changeling’s of clarity seven or better have a basic Supernatural Sense, it allows your character the ability to “sense” the supernatural, including non-changelings such as Ghosts, Vampires, Mages, Werewolves, and the presence of magical energy. The Asset Card: Greater Supernatural Sense allows your character to see past illusions, invisibility, and the tricks of Keepers. Once the card is used, it may be earned back via role playing your high Clarity or lost when your clarity goes to low. You gain the Asset Card: Greater Supernatural Sense when your character hits Clarity 10.
Clarity may be gained via role playing. For more information on Clarity please see this link:
At character creation you have access to three contracts. One of your Seeming’s Contracts, one contract from your Court, and one contract that is either a Universal, contract from your Court, or an additional Contract from your seeming. Contracts will be represented by an Asset Card. We will also assume that your character knows, at character creation the first two Clauses from these contracts. Please note this, and any future learned Clauses to your character’s Bio.
Concerning cost, we will assume that all claused in a Contract use only Glamour, not willpower. If Willpower is a cost, convert it to Glamour and narrate your character “willing the contracts clause to work” or “believing really hard in the clauses power”. Keep in mind Glamour cost and the toll depleting Glamour will take on your character. If there is a cost to something we don’t understand via Storium we will come to an agreement OOC and then narrate the outcome. Catches are encouraged.
With role playing and game play, other contracts may be opened up to your character. Goblin Contracts may not be taken at character creation, but may be found or bought via game-play.
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For the most part I want this to be about your character’s story and the plot they have gotten involved in. The rules are there to just give us some framework to play with and make the story fit in the Changeling the Lost world. At the end of the day, I trust you to write fair and balanced outcomes to situations, and if you ever need help or advice on how a move can fit the CoL world, please ask me. :-)
Hosted and narrated by:
Matthew Montalto (Geekybearlv)
Started 11/26/14.
Scenes played: 7
License: Community License