Gotham City has fallen on even harder times than normal recently. Villains have been multiplying and in the age of easy technology and ever-advancing science, a much large proportion of Gotham’s criminal element are legitimate threats… even to the caped crusader and his large “family” of allies.
The GCPD has created the UCS, the unconventional crimes squad, a group of specialized officers with metahuman powers, unusual skillsets and talents, or specialized technology to fight Gotham’s most dangerous threats
Meanwhile the paranoid Batman has come to realize to his chagrin that even all the people he has recruited over the years who still work with him are not enough and reluctantly, he has begun working professionally with the UCS, which is good as emergencies are multiplying around the city in the past couple weeks and even you sense worry on the stoic crime-fighter’s face. James Gordon has also become unusually withdrawn.
This is a superhero story with quite a bit of action while you, as members of the UCS discover the nature of an emerging city-wide threat and are key to stopping it
Players are to create their own original characters (not DC comics characters) to play as the UCS This will be a short 6 scene story
We are not overly worried about Canon here and while I will clarify some things in the info for invitees, we are not trying to match any specific sort of Batman mythology though it will probably resemble the Animated Series more than anything else, though possible a bit grimmer.
Hosted and narrated by:
Zachary Ruffing (Rattannah)
Started 09/18/24.
Scenes played: 5
License: Community License