A group of seekers are needed to find a new god or goddess for the village of Tinkutu by the Beach but Once by the Boulder. The village’s previous god died and fell from the sky, causing a great wave that killed the high priestess and destroyed Tinkutu by the Beach but Once by the Boulder. Without a god, the village has been cut off from its access to magic and can no longer assure bounty in the fishing nets and protection from its enemies. Without a new deity, the village of Tinkutu by the Beach but Once by the Boulder cannot rebuild, and will not last long.
The village chief assembled a small band of villagers and bestowed upon them the quest of finding a new deity for Tinkutu by the Beach but Once by the Boulder. A great ceremony was held in which the remaining villagers gathered for the ritual retelling of how a band of god-seekers traveled along the river through the jungle, over the mountains, across the desert, around the lake, under the land of sky and not much else, and out to the other shore where they purchased a god for six chicken teeth, a human sacrifice, a slightly-used broom, and a promise of devotion.
At the end of the ceremony, the selected villagers were paraded to the edge of the village, to the place where the boulder once stood, and there they were handed a chicken tooth, eight fish wings, an amulet containing a drop of sweat from the last god, and a box fashioned from a coconut that is said to house a serpent’s eye, but no one has ever volunteered to look and make sure. The god-seekers were then told to head north to the River of Water Without Salt, and follow the river into the mountains, and then figure out the rest from there, and not to come back until they had a new god or goddess for the village.
Note: This game will best be classified in the fantasy/mythology genres.
Hosted and narrated by:
Danny Knestaut (Danny)
Started 06/03/14.
Scenes played: 5
License: Community License