After the dawn of the second space age, the Earth, declining in prosperity, is plummeted into a great depression. Conditions throughout the planet are eerily similar to Pre-World War 2 U.S.A, family’s struggle to survive day to day life and cruel businessmen take advantage of the unfortunate occupants of this atmosphere. The story takes place in the battered and beaten city of Chicago, IL. The streets are ruled by Gangsters looking to milk cash from anyone, at any given opportunity. Two unlikely heroes have known nothing but this rule since the day they were born, it had become normality. However, when they begin to fear for their families lives after they are told they owe yet another debt that they can’t pay. The two decide they need to decide a plan to destroy the authority ruining the lives of everyone they’ve ever known.
Hosted and narrated by:
Started 09/24/16.
Scenes played: 1
License: Community License