This is a story set in the universe of Chuubo’s Marvelous Wish-Granting Engine. It concerns the Bleak Academy, a school beyond the world where students train in the arts of unmaking.
It is not necessary for you to read Chuubo’s Marvelous Wish-Granting Engine to understand this game, but you should probably know at least this about the setting:
Once upon the time, the Headmaster of the Bleak Academy and the Angel of the Houses of the Sun loved each other. But the Headmaster betrayed her, shot her in the side with an arrow, and so she fell into the void that surrounded the universe -
And the void boiled, and worlds drowned under the tide of it; only one island of reality remains that is not drowned in this sea, this “Outside”. That island of reality is Town.
That is probably where you come from.
But you’ve decided that you cannot pursue your destiny in such a place; that you would rather take a long and treacherous journey across the wilds of non-substance, in search of the secrets of a far and sunless land.
Did the world hurt you? Do you wish to gain power? Do you wish to find or build something in defiance of the world? Or do you think that you can infiltrate the Bleak Academy from the inside, and use the power of the void against itself to redeem those who would rather that the rest of Creation drowned?
This is going to be a relatively brief game about the admissions process of the Bleak Academy. If everyone likes it, after this game I can make another one about the other antics you get up to there, but that’s for later.
Hosted and narrated by:
Elaine Wang (hesperidia)
Completed 01/07/16.
Scenes played: 6
License: Community License