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None yet.

Emmaline Frost
Marley Scott
Noah Morgan

Chapter 3, Scene 5 Act , Scene 5

image source: USAG- Humphreys

Performances for the Junior and Senior classes came and went during parents week. There was one day when the auditorium was available for the Sophomore class to rehearse one last time with some necessary adjustments to the cast.

Kisha rubbed her temples before standing up from her position in the audience, ready to observe the dress rehearsal.

“Okay, I know we had some major problems but I think we all can do it, still.”

Simon Peters, understudy for Kenton, was still being fit for his costume on the stage by Sandy. He looked a little nervous. Near him, Angel De los Santos was ready to take Jon’s place in the cast as the Herald, reading over a script one last time. He, at least, seemed calm.

“We’ve all worked really hard on this. And even with these setbacks, I’m sure we can put together a great performance. We’ll do a full run-through, iron out any rough spots, and put our show on tomorrow to great ovation. So let’s do it!” She clapped excitedly; a few others jumped in on the applause but not that many. Awkward.

“Places, everyone!”

Noah Morgan
Noah Morgan (youNocturnalchemy) moved

Given the recent setbacks in the musical, Noah pitched in wherever he could, just generally trying to be of assistance in whatever ways didn’t actually require him to be on stage. He moved equipment, helped set up and break down sets, and otherwise did the behind-the-scenes stuff that needed doing. Every so often, he’d sneak in a glance – and, whenever she wasn’t busy with something else – a smile and a wave at Marley.

And all this while graciously (and good-humoredly) dealing with Ron’s questionable observations: “Too bad Kenton didn’t get you in the eye. Can you imagine HOW COOL it would’ve been for you to have an EYEPATCH!? Oh well… I guess the scar’s still pretty cool…”

Cloud (youresuki) moved

Cloud did his best to distract Ron from pestering Noah without distracting him from his backstage jobs. He wasn’t sure what to think of Noah anymore. He tried his best to always see other people’s point of view, and it was hard to wrap his mind around the emotion jumps he kept witnessing. He opted to keep his distance and make sure Ron did the same.

All the concern about what was happening shook him. He was off his game, concentrating on something as silly as a play felt pointless all over again.

Great. Skeptical of his classmates and hating on the show. He was back to square one and he knew it.

Marley Scott
Marley Scott (youRogue) moved

Though her nerves were still a bit shot from the shenanigans that happened earlier in the week, Marley was not about to let Kenton stop her from performing. In fact, she wanted this performance to be even better now without his punk ass around.

Simon had done a great job at memorizing the lines and she didn’t have to worry about him trying to slip her some tongue when they kissed. It was like a whole new atmosphere that she desperately wanted, needed.

It was as if the play had just started to become fun and she could relax again. It helped too that Noah was nearby and that she was able to count on her friends for the support she needed. They had all come when she needed help the most and that realization was the ‘highlight’ of being kidnapped.

Her mom had made her friends chocolate chip cookies and managed to talk her dad into letting her stay at the school. And for that, Marley was grateful.

She smiled to Simon, “Come on Prince Charming, let’s do this.”

Emmaline Frost
Emmaline Frost (youKite) moved
strong outcome weak outcome Kite won control of the story by completing this challenge with a strong outcome.

Seeing Marley rebound so well from being kidnapped by that crazy kid gave Emmy the renewal of energy she needed to throw herself into the last week of rehearsals. “Hell week” they call it. But Emmy wasn’t getting down about the tough schedule. Simon wasn’t nearly as good a dancer as Kenton, but she’d take his slightly awkward humility over the other boy’s suave arrogance any day. He was teachable and a fast learner. A choreographer’s dream.

They’d spent the previous few hours going over the big dance number between Marley and Simon at the ball. And when the dress rehearsal actually did roll around, Emmaline was nervous. Kenton better not have ruined my show. I will seriously kill him.

The cast did well, all things considered. Still, Emmy couldn’t help biting her nails as the big number drew ever closer. Then it was upon them and she found herself gripping the back of the chair in front of her with white knuckles.

But the song came. And went. And the small group of directors and supporters in the seats sat with mouths agape. As the actors left the stage after the scene, you could have heard a pin drop.

It was… Beautiful. Marley looked stunning with her beautifully done dress and hair. Simon was great, and the two completely nailed the dance. Every step in place. And when all the pieces of Emmy’s routine came together perfectly, it looked like magic on the stage.

In fact, Marley seemed to have cast a spell over the gathered audience, and everyone sat in stunned silence for a moment or two before exploding into uproarious applause.

Kisha was basically wringing Emmy’s neck in her enthusiasm, while a few happy tears escaped her eyes. “It was amazing! Wasn’t she so beautiful?? Emmy I love it! I could kiss you!” Emmaline playfully fended off her suddenly gushing friend and tried to watch the next scene. But somewhere inside her, her heart was bursting with excitement. We did it.

The narrator continued the scene

The next day was the day of the performance.

The auditorium was packed. Attendance of the other performances was optional (though encouraged for students), and most of the parents chose only to see their own child’s production. Not so here; every seat was filled with Juniors, Seniors, and nearly all of the parents. It may have had something to do with Ron running around telling everyone that their star was the one who was kidnapped and wasn’t that interesting?

Backstage students rushed to finish preparations. While working seriously, everyone felt well-prepared after their excellent dress rehearsal.

Simon was going over his script again, mumbling lines and tracing through the choreography that Emmy had written in.

“Places, places everyone!” Kisha called, running across the backstage. Stagehands scurried this way and that, as the actors took their places.

“You ready?” Marley asked him.

“As ready as I’ll ever be. Break a leg out there.”

The audience quieted down as the ‘no cellphones’ announcement was read. The curtains were ready to be drawn. It was time.

Noah Morgan
Noah Morgan (youNocturnalchemy) moved

Noah wasn’t exactly feeling it, so soon after the bloody skirmish with Kenton, but he nevertheless put on his best face and engaged the parents at the ticket booth, doing all he could to remain cheerful, courteous, and even a little bit entertaining. Kisha had been adamant that the audience’s experience of the show started at ticketing, and that would color how they received what happened on stage. He kept things moving smoothly and efficiently, until, at last, everyone had taken their seats, and he was able to slip away from the booth to grab a chair next to his mother – somewhere that he’d have a good view of the stage and from which he knew Marley would be able to see him smiling at her.

Niki took Noah’s hand in hers and gave a little squeeze, as the pre-show audience chatter was starting to die down. She grinned mischievously at her son, “You’re absolutely sure you don’t want a singing part? I’m sure they could squeeze you in, last-minute…”

Emmaline Frost
Emmaline Frost (youKite) moved

The Green Room was a bustle of activity the night of the show. Students milled around like ants around the colony. Make-up artists, costumers, stage-hands, and actors all hurried around trying to complete some last minute task or other. Emmy was no exception. True, she didn’t have a role in the musical, but she spent every available opportunity grabbing whoever wasn’t on stage at the moment to review the next dance number. She was especially watchful of the footwork. Good dancing starts from the feet, after all.

Thank God for Capezios. Luckily, she’d talked Kisha into carving out part of the budget for getting all of the dancers fitted dance shoes. It had paid off in spades. Comfortable, flexible shoes allowed them to move gracefully and naturally, even though most of the boys had grumbled about wearing “girl shoes”. She’d had to show them all a video of Gene Kelly dancing in “An American in Paris” before the more masculine among them finally accepted that they’d wear them. But she was so glad they did. The dancing actually turned out looking pretty good!

At some point during the evening, Trip had gone out of his way to catch her eye and give her one of his gorgeous smiles. Butterflies.

He’d been understandably wary of them being seen together with all the random people around campus, and she agreed. Something they’d have to put up with for now. But she knew that however silent he might be right now, she had his complete support. And it meant the world to her. It kept her floating all night throughout the performance, working tirelessly to perfect the cast’s moves.

Marley Scott
Marley Scott (youRogue) moved

She tried not to show it but suddenly Marley was nervous. There were more people in the crowd than she had anticipated. “This is all Ron’s fault,” she muttered to herself as she remembered him telling the other students what had happened. Marley sighed quietly to herself and closed the curtain, “No, this is Kenton’s fault.”

Kenton. Nobody had heard from him or had seen him since that day. She wondered where he was and hoped it was somewhere really cold and miserable. Antarctica would be best.

But she wasn’t going to let Kenton Davis ruin all the long hours of practice and extra practices that she and her classmates had spent preparing for this moment. She could hear Kisha announce the play and knew she had only moments before her turn on the stage.

Marley took a deep breath. She thought of Emmy, Cloud, Sorath, and Trip…and took another deep breath. And then she thought of Noah and smiled as she breathed. She was so fortunate to be surrounded by such outstanding friends.

She heard her cue and headed on stage. She sang like she had never sung before and danced like she had never danced before. She wasn’t just acting the part of Cinderella she had become Cinderella.

The students and family in the audience were mesmerized by the performance. And her enthusiasm had radiated to the rest of the cast. They all performed better tonight than they had at any practice.

Cloud (youresuki) moved
strong outcome weak outcome resuki won control of the story by completing this challenge with a strong outcome.

Someone had said that working tech was long stretches of pure boredom broken only by 30 second bursts of absolute panic. It was true.

Cloud darted silently from place to place backstage, always on his mark for the next scene change or costuming assist. The only time he was late was when Ron had distracted him by mouthing the words along with the actors - something he’d been doing the last few weeks, but this time he got Cloud in on it. Before he knew it, Ron was a melodramatic Prince Charming, while he was over-dramatically lip syncing to Marley himself, instead of handing off a prop to an actor. Someone else covered for him with no problems, but it shook him into paying attention for the rest of the show.

Cloud was amazed by the rush of joy he felt as his hands rested on the curtain rope, shutting it before the final bow. Looking out to make sure all the actor were in place amid the applause he opened the curtains up again and stated clapping himself.

The final bow applause for Marley and her prince was perhaps only rivaled by the applause for Prophet, which had been topped off by a lot of cheering and words of praise.

They’d done it, it was finished, and it was glorious.

The narrator continued the scene

That evening the student body gathered for the big announcement in the auditorium. Mr. Pira, along with a handful of the staff who were judges of the competition, was on stage. He stepped up to the microphone.

“You all have done a great job this semester working on your productions. Before I announce the winner of this competition, give all of yourselves a big hand.” Mr. Pira clapped enthusiastically at the microphone, coaxing out a smattering of applause from the student body.

“Now let’s get to the point. The winner of our school musical competition is… The Sophomore class! Their production was polished and well done, even with setbacks as…”

Whatever else he was saying was drowned out by the loud cheering of the Sophomore class.

The fabulous prizes, as it turned out, were pretty good. Everyone received a small cash prize, along with a fully catered party that evening. More excitingly, the whole class would get to go on an all-expenses paid trip at the start of summer vacation (destination to be determined later).

Needless to say, everyone was in a good mood at the party that night. It was in the auditorium, with better-than-usual cafeteria food provided. Ron had dragged in a chalkboard to start taking suggestions to where their trip should be (he was currently explaining why ‘the moon’ was a viable option to anyone who would listen). Other conversation topics ranged from the recently completed midterms to what they would be doing over the approaching winter break.

Kisha wound her way through the crowd, eventually ending up by Marley, just the two of them in a quieter corner.

“Hey Marley, great job. You were stunning.”

Marley murmured her thanks.

Kisha took in a deep breath. “Listen. You were right. About… about Kenton. I got too caught up in making the perfect musical to listen to your gut feelings. If I had known…” She trailed off, then shook her head. “Anyway, I’m sorry. For putting you through all that.”

Cloud (youresuki) moved

“The moon is not in the school budget, Ron,” Cloud argued via app.

“No, no, listen, listen,” Ron insisted, “We get somebody to write up a grant, right? And then we launch a crowdfund and– and do that whole donation matching thing! Think about it, people will total throw money at the first high school to go to the moon!”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. Are there grants to send people to the moon?”

“There’s gotta be! If you get the right grant writer, anything is possible! We would be making history! We could bounce around in the anti-gravity and we could eat astronaut ice cream and–”

“Seriously, what do you know about grants?”

“I know that’s where science gets its money! This’s science, Cloud!”

Cloud shook his head and looked to his phone again. “Don’t you think Disneyland or a beach or something would be easier?”

There was a moment where Ron’s eyes sparked as he suddenly found himself in a serious debate; the moon or Disneyland?

Sorath (youNinaelben) moved

Sorath hugged Sandy as they heard they had won
“Sandy your costumes where amazing! They looked so wonderful” she blushed at the compliment.
“T-thanks Sorath” She kissed him before they both went over to the others that was celebrating.

Ron was rambling about something ridiculous again and this time it was the moon. “Ron…I don’t think going to the moon is possible for us. Anyways I agree with cloud something more easy like a beach would be nice.” He held Sandy’s hand and smiled. “Besides I think we all need to relax after all that have happened.”

Noah Morgan
Noah Morgan (youNocturnalchemy) moved

Marley and Kisha looked like they were having a pretty involved conversation, so Noah figured he’d give them their space and catch up with Marley when whatever that was got resolved. Instead, he grabbed a soda and a seat, quietly contemplating recent events. After a moment, though, Ellory plopped herself down in a chair opposite him and observed, “What’s the matter with you?”

He glanced up, “Nothing. Just thinking, really.”

“Well,” Ellory replied, smirking, “it’s a party and everyone’s happy, so stop thinking so much.”

“Kenton, though…”

“Yeah,” Ellory answered, shrugging. “He’s still out there, somewhere. If he comes back, just do that thing to him you did to the concrete barrier, first day of powers training. Or fling him off the planet. Problem solved. Now,” she stood up, put a hand on Noah’s back, and pushed, so that he also stood, “get over there with everyone else and do what you can to convince Ron that the moon is not a valid travel destination.” She grinned. “Maybe put a bug in his ear that New Orleans is a great idea…”

Emmaline Frost
Emmaline Frost (youKite) moved

As always, the end of a production was like a huge weight lifted off Emmy’s shoulders. It was sad, to be sure; every show offers new friendships and fun that you can’t really recapture in daily life. But on the other hand, not fretting over every single one of Ron’s potentially fatal missteps during the final number was sure to tack years back onto Emmy’s life. Not to mention the social life she’d be getting back.

She was glad to have her parents in town, especially during the aftermath of the whole Kenton craziness. They had decided to stay until the end of the semester and vacation in Colorado together, rather than going back home for Christmas. It would be fun! But… There was still Trip.

Emmaline looked over at him across the table. He was lost in deep thought. He’d been like that more often lately. Seemed like the holidays were hard for him. But he had still been her rock through all of this, so she’d stand by him, especially if things weren’t great in his life. But just when they’d start having more free time to spend together after the musical, it was the end of the semester.

Then and there she resolved to make her lack of attention up to him next semester. Excellent Girlfriend Mode: Activated!

She only dwelled on that a moment though before she caught the tail end of Ron trying to legitimize the moon as a viable vacation destination. She grinned despite herself. That kid was a complete lunatic. The kind you couldn’t help but love like a brother.

The more she thought about it, a Mediterranean cruise sounded awesome. Or maybe Maui.

Marley Scott
Marley Scott (youRogue) moved

With a sigh, “Nobody could have known that Kenton was such a psychopath. And I know that it wasn’t easy for you to come over and apologize. Thanks for that Kisha.”

“I uhm, I’m going to go see what Noah and the others are suggesting to keep Ron out of space. See you later.” It wasn’t that she was mad at Kisha but she was disappointed that she hadn’t believed her in the first place.

She glanced over her shoulder and saw Noah was sitting with Ellory. Marley wondered if anyone had been able to change Ron’s mind. Then she heard Ron shout, “That’s two votes for the moon! Come on people!”

A giggle escaped her and she walked over to Noah and sat down next to him. “You guys seriously haven’t talked him out of the moon for the vacation? What about Athens? It has the best of all worlds and really good food too.”

The narrator ended the scene

“Well I think a beach sounds like a great idea,” Sandy said with a giggle to Sorath. “Maybe some place warm and tropical…” She snagged the piece of chalk from Ron (who had been using it to gesture wildly at the moon and rocket he had drawn on the board) and floated up to add ‘The Beach’ to the list.

Soon even more students were shouting out suggestions now that a more reliable note-taker was present, and a sizeable list was present by the time the dessert tray arrived.

Not many days after Winter Break began for the students of Galvan. Some students headed home with their parents (parents who were given little canisters along with a set of instructions as how to prevent any ‘Nova Accidents’ during the weeks spent away). Others would spend the break in the dormitory, depending on their situation.

Goodbyes were said; they would all see each other again in the Spring semester, starting the second week of January.


Panpear (narrator) (host) (You):
This is a great scene to use all of those musical asset cards. We'll move directly into the musical after this scene, so if you don't think it makes sense to use on this one, there will be another chance. [delete]
resuki (narrator) (host) (You):
I'm cackling over this challenge. There's a saying in the theatre; bad dress, good show. The opposite is true as well. Every time final dress goes great, we know opening night will bomb hard. [delete]
Panpear (narrator) (host) (You):
Better bomb it then. :D [delete]
Panpear (narrator) (host) (You):
So I've introduced an unpleasant antagonist in my novel to bother my heroine into a relationship. I made up a name for him but now I keep wanting to call him Kenton. I thought you should know~ [delete]
Panpear (narrator) (host) (You):
I'm baaaack. NaNo is all done. You all still around? [delete]
resuki (narrator) (host) (You):
Still here! :D [delete]
resuki (narrator) (host) (You):
And congrats on NaNo! [delete]
Panpear (narrator) (host) (You):
Yey! Yeah, I didn't want to worry about it during the day today so I did like, 7k words last night into the wee-hours of the morning, haha. [delete]
Panpear (narrator) (host) (You):
I'm thinking maybe I'll just scrap this scene (not too interesting) if people just want to dump musical cards and then I could recruit some new people as we move to next semester? What do y'all think? [delete]
Ninaelben (narrator) (host) (You):
sorry that I have no been much here just having a bit of down time. My girlfriend just broke up so I am a little bit down. I am fine with your suggestion [delete]
Kite (narrator) (host) (You):
I'm still here! Just had real life stuff lately. Sorry! [delete]
Rogue (narrator) (host) (You):
Here just h ad/have a couple busy weeks. [delete]
Nocturnalchemy (narrator) (host) (You):
Definitely still here. [delete]
Panpear (narrator) (host) (You):
@Ninaelben No worries. Take your time. We'll be around. :) [delete]
resuki (narrator) (host) (You):
@Rohan, you still with us, buddy? You need the cliff notes on what happened so you can jump back in with the new group of players? [delete]
Kite (narrator) (host) (You):
I hope he is still with us! I'd hate to see him disappear. [delete]
Kite (narrator) (host) (You):
On the topic of missing players though, @Panpear how would you feel about creating asset cards representing the students of the missing players? That way it's not like they just disappear from campus, but can be used in appropriate moments? We did that in Outpost before you joined in, and I like how it keeps those characters relevant, even though their players are no longer with us. If you'd like to see an example, check out my character's bio in Outpost. I've got a couple asset cards of former players. [delete]
Panpear (narrator) (host) (You):
@Kite Yeah, I snagged a couple of them too over there. Definitely something to consider; maybe get some of the NPCs out there too as I, for some reason, decided a huge cast was a good idea. I'll probably do that then when we move to the next chapter. [delete]
Rogue (narrator) (host) (You):
If it's just the same to everyone, I prefer to not obtain an asset card of another character. I feel too obligated to write for them and i get too distracted frol having to write for my actual character. Fyi- I do not care if everyone else has them though. :) [delete]
Panpear (narrator) (host) (You):
How about I just throw a pile out there next scene and people can partake if they want. :D [delete]
Panpear (narrator) (host) (You):
I hope you're not envisioning a pile of characters physically lying around because that's just what happened for me. The Rons are yelling at each other, it's great. [delete]
Rogue (narrator) (host) (You):
Lol, I wasnt imagining that until yiu said something. But the mental imagery is great. [delete]
resuki (narrator) (host) (You):
Also on the topic of new players, are we looking at open invite, or pulling in players we already know? [delete]
Nocturnalchemy (narrator) (host) (You):
Indeed. I know somebody, for instance, who's definitely interested. [delete]
Kite (narrator) (host) (You):
Btw, thanks @Nocturnalchemy and @resuki for keeping us alive while we all got bogged down with life. [delete]
Panpear (narrator) (host) (You):
Yes, thanks! I know I've been doing that NaNo thing and neglecting some Storium games. I'll get a scene continuation up soonish, I'm sure ('cause why not finish musical business). [delete]
Panpear (narrator) (host) (You):
As for new folks, I think I'm doing both. If you know people who want to join (and I've already contacted one) I'm pretty sure they'll be in. But I'll also do open invites as well. I feel like this game can support a fairly large cast as people go in and out (or at least it's worth trying!) [delete]
resuki (narrator) (host) (You):
Welcome! No gonna lie, there is much envy for those who got to NaNo this year. Games are all that keep me wiring right now. [delete]
Nocturnalchemy (narrator) (host) (You):
I like the sound of a good-sized ensemble cast; particularly given the likelihood that some folds will vanish over time. [delete]
Nocturnalchemy (narrator) (host) (You):
*folks, that is [delete]
Panpear (narrator) (host) (You):
@resuki Storium has been really good for me to -keep- writing after NaNo. Maybe I'll actually continue and edit my story this time, now that I get all this continuous writing buzz for you guys. [delete]
Panpear (narrator) (host) (You):
Okay, so I've given guidelines for individual moves, as well as the results for the overall (combo challenge!). If you play uncertain you pick which way you want to go with your move. (Or something neutral). [delete]
Kite (narrator) (host) (You):
Realized I had that asset card sitting around and figured this would be my last chance to use it haha. [delete]
Panpear (narrator) (host) (You):
Marley's got the skills to pay the bills. :D [delete]
Rogue (narrator) (host) (You):
Yes ma'am. That's how she rolls. [delete]
Rogue (narrator) (host) (You):
BTW - I can't play anymore cards in this scene so someone else is going to have to finish it up. :) Go team sophomores! [delete]
Kite (narrator) (host) (You):
@Rogue love it! I'll have to think about what else I can contribute [delete]
Rogue (narrator) (host) (You):
She loves her friends and would do anything for them. I could see her even caring about Kenton (as the lesser of two evils of course, lol). [delete]
resuki (narrator) (host) (You):
Popping in real fast to say that Twisted_Gnome would like an invite to the game when character submittions open up. :) [delete]
Nocturnalchemy (narrator) (host) (You):
Likewise, khourytamarisk is definitely interested. [delete]
Panpear (narrator) (host) (You):
Got it! I think I have a message with khourytamarisk already too. :) [delete]
Panpear (narrator) (host) (You):
I think @resuki (who's on vacation) or @Ninaelben could finish up this challenge. If you'd like a prompt, @Ninaelben, let me know. Don't feel pressured to finish up, I still have some prepwork to do for the next scene. >_> [delete]
Ninaelben (narrator) (host) (You):
@Panpear Sorry for not posting or anything. My girlfriend just broke up and I am a bit busy at school but I will get a move up before Friday! [delete]
Panpear (narrator) (host) (You):
Yup, no rush! I seem to recall this is close to finals time, so take care of your RL things first. :) [delete]
resuki (narrator) (host) (You):
Sorry, had a move in the tank I thought I'd posted this morning. XD; I'm heading into hell week myself, next week is performances, so I will be in and out until the 20th or so. [delete]
Panpear (narrator) (host) (You):
@Rogue, that challenge is for you. Everyone else can mingle until I finish the next chapter prep. [delete]
Rogue (narrator) (host) (You):
Im out of cards for this scene. [delete]
Panpear (narrator) (host) (You):
... YES I KNEW THAT [delete]
Panpear (narrator) (host) (You):
how about you just talk to her in a normal move. >_> [delete]
Panpear (narrator) (host) (You):
Oh, I forgot to mention that this is a good time to mention destination ideas for the trip both IC and OOC. [delete]
Panpear (narrator) (host) (You):
I feel like we have to hit all the standard school anime plot devices so if you have some more of those that'd be great. [delete]
resuki (narrator) (host) (You):
Starting us off. XD [delete]
Kite (narrator) (host) (You):
@Panpear I'd like to include Trip in my post... Should I wait and see if @Rohan comes back? Or should I just post? [delete]
Panpear (narrator) (host) (You):
@Kite You should just post, I think. I've been reaching out to @Rohan since Sept-Oct and no response. I might retire him. D: [delete]
Kite (narrator) (host) (You):
Sorry for the delay! I was on a field exercise with the military. Working on a move now. I'll be sad to see him go! [delete]
Panpear (narrator) (host) (You):
I may have spoken too soon. >_> [delete]
resuki (narrator) (host) (You):
Did he finally reply to you? :D [delete]
Panpear (narrator) (host) (You):
Yup! I think he's reading up and will likely comment here soon, but it's pretty much a 'life went to 11' kind of thing. But next scene (which I am totally not procrastinating on?) is a great time to jump right back in. :) [delete]
Kite (narrator) (host) (You):
Oh great! I'll hold off on including him in anything too involved in my move then. [delete]
Commentary can begin once the narrator publishes the first scene.
Commentary can begin once the narrator publishes the first scene.
Commentary is private for this game.
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