Felicty, Ser/Mem/Cis!
The Outward Bound Coalition is overjoyed to inform you that you , based on your application essay and skillset testing results, have proven yourself worthy of a place among the best of the best aboard the Expansion Ship Trantor!
Felicity is not the proper word, however: honor is. You have overcome a battery of tests that would have shamed graduates of the greatest Universities of times past; have proven your strength and resiliency, your fertility, your social skills- everything that makes you ideal for being among the first Humankin to settle a new world!
Please signify your acceptance of this honor by return secure thread (prepaid). Departure is in 25 Solar days! Begin preparation!
(see attached schedule for personal item stowage guide, and weight/item allowance and restrictions)
(all characters will be more or less baseline human. Please use only the provided Nature and subplot cards (for now), and follow the directions on the ST/WEA cards when you create them- there’s a reason behind it.)
Hosted and narrated by:
Ev A (Eraille)
Started 08/13/14.
Scenes played: 1
License: Community License