Legend has it, there exists a certain sword. A sword that can take not only lives, but souls.
Long long ago, in ancient Japan, there said to have existed a mysterious clan of assassins known as The Ministry. Skilled beyond their years and more powerful than the strongest samurai, they were known only to a certain few but their influence spread to many. They worked in the shadows to keep the peace and maintain a balance in the world.
Among their ranks, usually the leader, wielded a very powerful weapon; a katana forged from the strongest and sharpest metal. It was passed down from Master to Student and was said to possess certain mystical and supernatural powers.
This weapon, known as Life Drainer, fed on human souls. The one who received the sword into their possession had to give up their soul to the sword and over time pay off their debt. Each life the sword took, it absorbed that soul into itself, giving back the wielder a sliver of their own. Only after the entire debt was paid and the wielder’s trapped soul retrieved, Life Drainer had to move on to a new owner. And the cycle began anew…
Coffee Nutz Coffee Shop
New York City
Six months after “The Heinzsen Incident”
Despite the tragic deaths of the owner, Lawrence, and the two baristas, Chester and Willow, Coffee Nutz still stood its ground. The quaint little coffee shop on the southern edge of Central Park was now under new management. The man in charge was called Nate Gray. And under his business savvy the cafe still seemed to be holding its own, participating in an “underground” business of sorts on the side. Happy to say, the money was flowing in from both ends.
Most of our heroes have either found love, life achievements, new beginnings, minions, sad memories or plots of revenge. And most have come to forget and abandon the little cafe which just half a year ago served them free coffee with side of smiles.
Among the new faces and new regulars, however, a select few have stayed and kept coming back. Some out of solidarity, bittersweet memory…and some out of necessity.
The damage may have been done and the blood and the brains have long been wiped off the counters, but the little coffee shop by Central Park still had a part to play and a destiny to fulfill…
Hosted by:
V (Epp3s)
Rotating narration
Started 09/18/16.
Scenes played: 7
License: Community License