Deadly faerie monsters invade an alternative Elizabethan England, perhaps with the Virgin Queen’s connivance, leaving the defense of the realm in the hands of an outwardly motley but tight-knit group of adventurers, plotters, and lovers.
England and the high seas, circa 1567. The latest public craze is investing in expeditions to recover rich treasures of pirate gold recently buried on remote tropical isles. Old salts spin wild yarns and sinister backstreet bookshops sell treasure maps galore. Agents of the Virgin Queen have hanged every last pirate they haven’t sunk on the waves, and are hot on the trail of The Black Spot, a secret pirate brotherhood ashore in England, traitors who seek to bring down the Crown.
Away from London, the countryside is alive with very different rumors; monsters out of fairy tales and old folklore prowl and lurk, and farm folk are disappearing.
The young Queen Elizabeth came to the throne imperious, full of both promise and energy. She convened councils to personally direct sea captains, issuing letters of marque making them privateers in personal service to the Sovereign, and promptly sent them on secretive voyages to the Caribbean. Word spread that they were hounding pirates and bringing a new peace and prosperity, tightening England’s rule over the waves, and spurring the bright dream of empire.
Now, almost a decade later, with Philip of Spain rattling sabers, and werewolves, satyrs, sinister spell-hurling elves, and worse abroad in the wilder woods of the realm, word is spreading that Britain’s privateers sailed to uncharted isles to bury not treasure, but runestones—the ancient enchanted stones that kept shut the gates of Faerie, barring the beasts of the fey from England. Undercover Black Spot members roam England, whispering over tankards in the taverns late at night that the Virgin Queen seeks to become the Faerie Queen and establish a Faerie rule first over England, and then over all corners of the burgeoning Empire.
I’m seeing this as a episodic drama about a group of ‘experts’ who band together to fight the influx of supernatural incidents as the faerie world begins to bleed into our own. Think Tudor era Buffy/X Files and you won’t be far off.
Potential characters
You play characters held together by blood, love, and the loyalty of comradeship in a time that desperately needs them.
Characters might include (but are not limited to):
- Black Spot member
- young recruit to the cause of freedom
- opportunistic pirate privateer chartered by Elizabeth
- member of the Royal Secret Service
- courtier (pro- or anti-Elizabeth)
- bewildered but sword-skilled noble
- stalwart yeoman farmer (seeking to defend your home locale and the wider realm)
- Spanish undercover agent (seeking to foment discord, slaughter, and public mistrust)
- Royal Society member
- Minor count or countess
- Wife to local land owner
- Expert in faerie lore
Historically women were considered inferior to men and expected to be led by them at all times. I would like any female characters in this story to be quietly effective and able to hold their own against the patriarchs of these times. I’m not overly concerned about historical accuracy but it would be good to retain a Tudor flavour. Female characters will probably encounter light sexism from male NPCs but hopefully with the end product of proving them all wrong. Perhaps male characters will be on the end of light sexism from faerie NPCs. That is up to us..
Example poles (strength/weakness cards)
Loyalty vs. ambition
Bravery vs. cowardice
Teacher vs. tyrant
Example desires (subplot cards)
To gain power
To be loved
To be forgiven
To be desired
To be powerless
To be happy
To be punished
To gain vengeance
Relationships and “needs”
Alfredus from Colin
Superficial objective: Alfredus wants nothing to do with Colin.
Emotional undertone: Alfredus would like to Colin to release any hold he has over him.
Obstacle Colin needs Alfredus to help find a ‘cure’ for him.
Alfredus from Edmund:
Superficial objective: Alfredus wants to help Edmund by mending his family relationship
Emotional undertone: Alfredus would like the return of his status as friend and benefactor of an influential family.
Obstacle: Edmund believes that his science has blinded Alfredus to the larger picture. He is also increasingly suspicious about Alfredus’s intentions toward Margaret.
Alfredus from Margaret:
Superficial objective: Alfredus wants to start a romance with Margaret
Emotional undertone: Alfredus wants to be admired and valued as a man.
Obstacle: M does not yet feel that way about A.
Margaret from Edmund:
Superficial objective: M wants E to show romantic feelings.
Emotional undertone: M needs reassurance from E that she is both skilled and desirable after the reactions of all men in the room to Mara’s superior power and beauty.
Obstacle: Previous rejection has wounded E’s pride. He is also naturally reserved and showing her how much he feels will be a challenge.
Margaret from Alfredus:
Superficial objective: M wants A to respect her field of study.
Emotional undertone: M wants A to accept that her fey studies do not taint her as sinful.
Obstacle: A was horrified by the fey and with what happened to Elspeth as a result. Margaret was a part of that.
Margaret From Colin:
Superficial objective: M wants C to explain himself
Emotional undertone: M wants C to choose them over Mara
Obstacle: Mara is his sister and was his lover. Their connection is strong and of longer standing than these strained new relationships
Colin From Margaret:
Superficial objective: C wants M to give him the opportunity to explain about his past.
Emotional undertone: C wants understanding from M (then trust and then companionship)
Obstacle: She was horrified by the sister/lover revelation and doesn’t trust him.
Colin From Alfredus:
Superficial objective: C wants A to change his research to more occult and alchemical fields
Emotional undertone: C wants A to trust and believe him that his behaviour was caused by a disease and that he wants a cure
Obstacle: A wants nothing more to do with C
Colin From Edmund:
Superficial objective: C wants E to show that he is fully invested in their mission.
Emotional undertone: C wants E to prove himself to C.
Obstacle: Edmund believes that Colin has demonstrated his true colors and will side with his sister over their group. He is also well aware that Colin sees him as a pawn to manipulate.
Edmund from Colin:
Superficial objective: E want C to provide evidence that he is loyal to the crown.
Emotional undertone: E wants to be reassured by C
Obstacle: TBC
Edmund from Alfredus:
Superficial objective: Edmund wants Alfredus to develop some alchemical means to protect them from further harm the next time they go against the fey.
Emotional undertone: E wants to A to give him security
Obstacle: Edmund’s proposal sounds too much like witchcraft for Alfredus’s comfort. As a Christian man, Alfredus rejects it.
Edmund from Margaret:
Superficial objective: Edmund wants Margaret to accept his declaration of love and agree to his proposal. He also wishes for her help mending the frayed relationship between himself and Henry, his only remaining family member, and for her to assist him in restoring the ground he has lost at court.
Emotional undertone: E wants to M to show him love
Obstacle: She believes he is only offering marriage for convenience & financial gain. Also, his brother was horrible to them and she thinks he’s a jerk.
Hosted and narrated by:
Richard Sharp (Riven)
Started 11/19/16.
Scenes played: 3
License: Community License