What had been eagerly anticipated as a meteor shower of spectacular proportions was that and much more.
The seeds, hidden among shower, reached the planet with destructive impacts. With each strike, millions of spores were hurtled into the atmosphere and carried by the winds, until drifting back to the Earth where they grew. The towering fungi which resulted consumed the nutrients from the soil, the water, and even the air, destroying crops and forests alike.
For two years the world combated what had been dubbed Foe. All attempts to destroy it were insufficient, despite the increasingly aggressive methods employed. Chemicals, fire, and weapons, not withholding nuclear detonation, were among the efforts to quell its advance. The damage done by the proposed remedies often exceeded the devastation wrought by the Foe, itself.
But then, the spores stopped and the Foe became dormant. As if it were a vast, single entity, it changed colors, as an oak might change from green to red with the advance of winter. This reprieve was short lived, however, as the true nature of the fungus was revealed…
It gave birth.
Its children were monstrosities, with legs like centipedes, and shark-like maws riddled with fangs, the children of the Foe were exuded into existence from the fungus’s core…
They were hungry.
Mankind was more than ill-prepared. They had built refuges meant to quell the encroachment of the Foe, not to repel giant, pustular, venom spewing creatures from outer space.
It is fleeing from one such encampment in Akron, Ohio where your story begins. There is a rumor of safety in Charleston, West Virginia. It is a long way to travel, especially with the winds of late October bringing promise of an early winter.
Hosted and narrated by:
Zouk (Mohdatoe)
Started 12/13/16.
Scenes played: 1
License: Community License