Thousands of years after the death of the Earth, humans have scattered across the galaxies. They are not in search of a new home, nor do they have any hope of finding intelligent life outside of their own species. In 1500 years of searching, they have found no evidence of either and most humans now believe that they are alone in the universe.
The Holy Sea is the theocratic order that governs humanity and encourages its continued spread across the universe. The order is named for a long-forgotten power in humanity’s history which is understood to have worshiped the Earth’s oceans. If humans are truly unique in creation, the Holy Sea believes it is their duty to explore every inch of the universe and to find God in so doing. Exploration and constant motion are valued above all other principles.
While the Holy Sea is relatively tolerant of non-believers (as long as they are still willing to abide by the law), they have recently become concerned that the Colonist movement is gaining support among humans at the fringes of explored space. The Colonists believe that a habitable planet does exist and will be discovered, allowing humanity to once again live together on the ground.
OOC Information
Setting: Humans have not lived on solid ground in over 1500 years. All characters would have lived their lives either on spaceships or space stations, or a combination of the two. In general, living on a space station for any long stretch of time is frowned upon, as the ideal is to be on a ship exploring. Life on a space station, however, is far more comfortable than life on a spaceship.
Religion: Adherents of the Holy Sea believe in the existence of a god and also believe that humanity is alone in the universe. Non-believers are still ruled over by the Holy Sea, and are not treated substantially differently, nor do they have fewer rights. Most non-believers think that either intelligent life and/or a new home planet exists and we haven’t found it yet, or they believe that we are alone but that this does not prove the existence of a god.
World-building: This is a loose framework and you are encouraged to build upon it. The only set rules for the world are those I have outlined above, so if you want to create new places or history to fit the characters you create, please feel free to do so. As always, if you are unsure whether something you want to do would fit into the world, please ask me.
Hosted and narrated by:
Tzufit (Tzufit)
Completed 04/07/15.
Scenes played: 28
License: Community License