Bureaucracy. Politics. Ignorance. Despite humanity’s technological accomplishments and long reach into space, they took their worst qualities with them. An elaborate military-esque colonial force known as the Cooperative makes its way across the galaxy, finding new places for humanity to inhabit.
Meanwhile, GOGET, a small non-government organization seeks to explore and document the galaxy’s vast and various ecologies, histories, and cultures. Hopefully before the Cooperative drops another terraforming robotank.
GOGETs executives had long wanted to explore a distant quadrant of space. Rumor has it that the ancient species here figured out space travel well before any other species. GOGET receives a grant from a mysterious donor, specifically to explore this part of the galaxy.
Unfortunately, their ships aren’t equipped to take them so far into space. The executives negotiate a deal with the Cooperative, who agree to take a small team of explorers to study this cluster of planets. The Cooperative doesn’t mention that these planets also happen to be next on the terraforming list.
Hosted and narrated by:
Dan Brown (brownorama)
Started 04/09/14.
Scenes played: 11
License: Community License