Long ago magic existed in the world, just like in the story books. Magic was wild, and monsters roamed, over centuries magic and monsters were locked away inside books. Using the power of words Heroes were created to seal in the power, as were villains, foils, sidekicks and such other literary tropes. Over time the stories themselves became so powerful that from time to time a character would be able to break through the veil and walk among our world as seemingly normal people, but only for a time before being sucked back into their books.
Over time some fell in love, had children, and these children would grow up with one parent, usually unable to know who he or she was, but would find themselves drawn to books and the magic within them, and with time, the ability to enter the fictional realm through books.
Two weeks ago, for the first time ever a creature got out, pierced through the veil, a Chimera bio-emerged into New York City, though only for a few moments before the Heroes were able to wrangle the beast back into the book before anyone could see, thanks to a heavy fog.
Now the children are being gathered, if something is going down, they might be the last best hope for all.
Hosted and narrated by:
Chris Flagel (DominionChris)
Started 01/21/16.
Scenes played: 3
License: Community License