The Brookmarket Zoo was a world-class institution, visited by locals and travelers alike. In the late 20th century, it was an iconic zoo, admired and beloved. Its animals were content, its visitors happy, its staff respected. Chairman of the Zoo Board, D.E. Hitchcock IV, welcomed people to the grounds with beaming pride, as his father had for a generation before.
Now, D.E. Hitchcock is dead. The community takes the zoo for granted. Attendance is down. The zoo withers.
The zoo keepers grow desperate. Money is tight. Other, more successful zoos in other cities sniff around the place, looking to take away animals and staff. A proposed expansion project might drum up new interest in the zoo…if the city approves the new zoning plan. But rumours persist that a multiplex is offering more money to buy up a chunk of the zoo land, displacing animals and staff forever.
Are these the last days of the Brookmarket Zoo? Or can someone with powerful ambition change things for the better?
Hosted and narrated by:
John P. (newratcity)
Started 07/04/14.
Scenes played: 12
License: Community License