The pipes in the stock room moan.
They’ve done it since you started working here. It’s not a gentle, dribbling little moan either, but more of an intermittent, terrifying shriek. The manager laughs and tells you the temperature is just off, something about the water and the pipes and angles, some kind of intermediate engineering thing a kid like you is not equipped to understand. But late at night, you would swear the noise rises up and down, in desperate, undulating moans that don’t sound like pipes at all.
That’s what it’s like, working late nights at Sal’s Burgers and Frozen Custard.
Actually, mostly, it isn’t. Mostly its boredom and the smell of oil getting into your nose and hair and fingernails. Its the horrible uniforms in bright orange don’t look good on anyone and cooler kids from the high school coming down to buy a burger at midnight while they laugh at you. It’s the occasional guy with too many tattoos flirting with you behind the register and smiling with no teeth.
Basically, working here sucks.
You’ve got a secret, though, one that the other guys and girls who work with you don’t know. There’s something a little…different…about you. Maybe on full moons, you start to get a little hairier, or maybe you’ve recently found a way to cast spells. Maybe you can only work nights or maybe you’ve been having these dreams about someone you used to be, someone much cooler, who died a long, long time ago.
Either way, tonight is going to be the night everyone learns your dreadful secret. And if that weren’t humiliating and unnecessary enough, you might not even care. You might not even make it out alive.
Because tonight the pipes are going to stop moaning—and start talking instead.
An urban fantasy about teenage monsters in a fast food environment that may contain an ancient evil. And peanut oil.
Original text and concept by @kagechikara. With thanks for letting me try narrating his story.
Hosted and narrated by:
Meg Doughty (Greymalkin)
Started 09/23/15.
Scenes played: 1
License: Community License