“The elves were the first to fall, innately magical beings that they are.
The wave of refugees was short lived, as tales of warped abominations boiling out of their ancient groves barely outran the abominations themselves. Vicious, soulless beings and unimaginable horrors flooded forth from the trees like a swarm of plague rats, devouring all that stood in their way.
The mages fell next, wrapped in demonic corruption that twisted them into shadows and monstrosities, destroying great civilisations in moments.
Humanity didn’t have a chance.”
The world is in chaos, and has been for hundreds of years. Most of humanity is in shackles, forced to serve the depraved desires of their demon-warped mage overlords. The elves are all but gone, their bodies twisted into untold horrors by the wave of death that turned everything of magic into a monstrosity. The dwarves locked themselves away in their mountainhomes and haven’t been seen or heard of on the outside for generations. Only the orc and goblin tribes of the plains and caves still stand against the corrupted hordes of magic and demons, and even their bloodlust is growing weak. The few free human settlements, once bastions of light and hope, have spiraled into cesspools of unchecked depravity as they ready themselves for the end they all know is coming.
The gods are dead, if they ever existed, and all is wrong with the world.
Hosted and narrated by:
Wess (AlabasterShrike)
Started 05/02/16.
Scenes played: 1
License: Community License w/ Creative Commons