In a world where super heroes constantly fight the forces of evil, one sinister mega corporation stands to outfit evil doers everywhere with TOP QUALITY EVIL PRODUCTS.
Evil Inc is a company designed to distribute and invent products that the aspiring villain needs to be successful. Need a robotic minion? Evil Inc has that. Want your very own doomsday device? Evil Inc has you covered. Can’t seem to find giant mutant lizards outside of Japan? No problem! Evil Inc is a fantastic place to work and well, you work there. So you have the best –er more interesting job ever! The biggest problem getting in Evil Inc’s way is that pesky Hero Corp and of course all those annoying superheroes. Stupid do-gooders. You’re better than that! That’s why you’re working for Evil Inc.
This world is somewhat loosely inspired by TV shows and movies like Office Space or The Office with a major splash of inspiration from “The Supervillain Field Manual” and “A Method to the Madness.” None of these are required viewing or reading at all. But if you want to, by all means go ahead.
Hosted and narrated by:
Agent Ontario (AgentOntario)
Started 05/18/14.
Scenes played: 6
License: Community License