The village of Lawton is in peril: For years the local farmers have lived in uneasy peace with the goblins who perched in the ruined Highwater Abbey (and its tunnels), the ancient building in the midst of the nearby mountain lake that serves as reservoir for both groups. Now, however, the water is tainted by something foul and the people of Lawton grow sick and weak. You will play a company of brave heroes of the realm (experienced, or just beginning your journey), come upon Lawton by lucky providence in this moment of their dark need. Can you brave the dangers of the abbey, uncover its secrets, and cleanse it of evil?
Experience a classic fantastical adventure in a swords-and-sorcery world of perilous dungeons. This short adventure story can be funny or dramatic!
[ Fair warning: The story is meant for characters at least trying to be virtuous. If you come at this like a classic D&D character, looking for things to kill and treasure to steal in order to “earn experience” then we’re not going to get along. Lead by example, and make the world a better place for those who will celebrate you in song and story. ]
Hosted and narrated by:
Anthony Lower-Basch (TonyLB)
Started 06/18/14.
Scenes played: 3
License: Community License