In the year 2555, mankind lost The Battle of Earth, and with it the war. The Zul’Karr all but annihilated the Coalition of Worlds, a confederation of civilizations both human and alien. The last survivors of the human race, only a paltry thousand in their numbers, have hidden on the edge of the galaxy, deep in uncharted space. It was there that a discovery was made, one that could mean the salvation of the galaxy.
An ancient hyperdrive core was discovered, one of technology far greater than that seen in this galactic cycle. After years of study, the core was activated, taking much of the planet with it as the survivors watched in awe from orbit. From the hyperdrive a single ship was born, one larger than any ship seen before. This vessel was named… Sovereign.
Now humanity and their allies are faced with a choice. Will they strike out to distant galaxies and find a new home far from the here or will they take the fight back to the Zul’Karr and annihilate their empire one world at a time?
Feel free to make your own alien races, natures, subplots, strengths, weaknesses, and what have you.
Hosted and narrated by:
Adeline (Nomus)
Started 04/29/14.
Scenes played: 2
License: Community License