Before it happened, people heard “green light,” and they thought Avada Kedavra or JJ Abrams: lens flare, the legacy.
Now, though, no one knows what to think.
Five days ago, something happened. A plane flew its normal route over an unremarkable stretch of desolation; a cross-country tour strolled past its moneymaker, the haunted ruins; a girl, five years old, bounced a red ball in the street in front of her house.
And then–the world froze.
Across the globe, the sky turned green. The plane changed from tiny blip on a radar screen to blank, blinking space. The tour group’s headsets stopped broadcasting. The red ball bounced once, twice, then rolled slowly across an empty street.
The green light faded. The world creaked back into motion. But all was not as it had been.
Now, people are asking questions. International organizations discovered the origins of the light (they think), but they don’t know how to proceed. In the meantime, a nosy journalist publicized the information and identified the town as the site of an infamous failed archaeological dig, about which rumors are plentiful and truths are scarce. To people of all stripes, “failed archaeological dig from which a person-devouring green light emits” means one of two things: ancient treasure, logical explanation… or magic.
Now, hundreds of people flock to the spot–and yet, only dozens have found it. Some have fallen a hole of nonexistence; others have been found half-starved to death in a desert miles away. A few have been discovered raving in neighboring towns.
You are one of the few to have arrived in the town; you remain safe so far. Perhaps you are a treasure hunter, a knowledge hunter, a people hunter; perhaps you are merely curious; perhaps you already know things that others do not. Whatever your reason, now you are here, in a town where the boundaries blur between ancient and modern, real and surreal, truth and legend. You will find something beyond your imaginings.
Sometimes, myths are born in an instant. Sometimes, though, they have merely been lurking under the dust of civilization, waiting to arise.
[[This game riffs on the aesthetics of Hellboy and H.P. Lovecraft. Eerie weirdness and dark humor. Feel free to expand the universe however you like; just keep within parameters of “witchcraft, warlockery, necromancy and demons” in a temporally dislocated world of ancient secrets living amongst modern comforts.
Think of your character profile as “creating a set of rules for the game.”
General guidelines: do what you like, change what you will, create a character and a world from all the imaginings at your disposal. Archetypes (even Witch & Warlock) are gender neutral. I’d like this to start, flexibly, as a 4-7 person game, but will be accepting profiles throughout. Speed will be sporadic, but assume 2-3 scenes per week.
Female and nonbinary civilian types will have a priority in new admission, since we have a lot of magical folks and a lot of guys right now. Balanced crews make things more fun. :)
email me at if you have questiony things.]]
Hosted and narrated by:
Mae (the_sarcophagus)
Started 05/12/14.
Scenes played: 3
License: Community License