The year is 2058. After a catastrophe which fractured the United States into several nations, San Francisco, California has isolated itself and evolved into an Ecotopia, reverting to a sustainable economy, using wind and solar power, local agriculture, and the like. In San Francisco, the streets have been dug up and replaced by gardens and fruit trees. Every house has its own garden plot. Food is available to everyone and access to food is not limited by money, power, or ownership. No one starves or is homeless, all work is valued equally, and all beliefs and spiritual practices are respected and honored.
To the south, an overtly-theocratic Christian fundamentalist nation has evolved and plans to wage war against the San Franciscans and take the city by force. San Francisco’s only defense counsel consists of primarily of nine elderly people who “listen and dream.” How does San Francisco protect itself from invasion and takeover? Must they compromise who they are to do so?
Based off of the book The Fifth Sacred Thing by Starhawk
Hosted and narrated by:
Janine M (Agentj9)
Started 10/15/19.
Scenes played: 2
License: Community License