This World has no Natives, which means it belongs to everyone.
It’s been almost thirty years since the Votans arrived, and years since the Pale Wars, since then
Earth has been changed, the Votan Terraforming equipment that fell to Earth in the Arkfalls, the world’s plants, animal, even the terrain itself, all unrecognizable. The armistice that keeps the peace remains for now, humans and votan live together in peace in a hostile world. Two powers struggle to pick up the pieces, the Earth Republic focused around New York and what once was the eastern United States, while the Votanis Collective holds central authority in what used to be Brazil. While most of the world is made up of independent city states, but that is quickly changing as the E-Rep and Collective search for new allies and resources.
The world seems to be preparing for a Cold War to end and a new Pale Wars to begin. In the midst of this is VonBach Industries, an organization bend on recovering Arktech and often hire the best in such fields, the Ark Hunters. Ark Hunters are Soldiers, Engineers, Scientists, and teams are being formed.
The year is 2046, this is the first generation to know peace, good luck.
You are one such team, Nova squad.
(Narrator’s Note: Looking at least five players all of different races.)
For more info that may help:
Hosted and narrated by:
Chris Flagel (DominionChris)
Started 06/19/14.
Scenes played: 3
License: Community License