The Vikrans are the masters of the universe. Their era of tyranny will never end.
- Secretary General Krukov of the VCU
These are trying times for the Federation. The rebellion is gaining momentum and it is now more apparent that it is becoming a threat to the stability of the regime. There are also rumors circulating around the chain of command, that the military plans on defecting to support the rebels. Whether or not this information is truth or false is yet to be determined.
We are training the best cadets we have to assist our secret police and military in suppressing the rebellion once and for all. Our regime has stood strong through many challenges, and it will continue to stand so long as we please.
Cadets. You are the best of your class. Your skills, intelligence, and loyalty shall serve the federation well. You will be trained to become killing machines. Weapons of war for the Federation. You shall bring this petty rebellion to a swift end.
Long live the Federation. Long live the Chairman
Hosted and narrated by:
Started 10/29/17.
Scenes played: 1
License: Community License