It was the dawn of the 4th age of mankind. The Great Burn had nearly destroyed Humanity.
Men count the years from the Great Burn until now, numbering them at one thousand. And now Humanity is on the brink of returning to the stars!
A dream, which has been fostered by the few, has finally come to fruition. A group of scientists funded the first trip to the moon. Better clean fusion reactors were developed, eliciting dreams of finally going to other planets.
Some scientists contend that someone or something, a faction of ne’er do wells, or sinister agents, have retarded the development of scientific progress on Earth.
Some contend that perhaps, if someone was delaying development, they had a reason. They say that it was done to allow humanity time to grow and mature.
The lunatic fringe contends that it’s the aliens come among us, trying to stop us from joining their ranks.
Whatever it is, or whomever it is, they appear to have lost. The ship is nearly ready, the crew are being chosen.
What part will you play?
This is loosely based on Babylon 5’s episode The Deconstruction of Falling Stars. Is Earth-bound Humanity ready to rejoin the universe?
Does not require heavy knowledge of Babylon 5, but I hope that fans will come on board to push the story forward.
I am looking for players who are content to drive the characters and story forward with guidance from me; but who are interested in developing those characters to their fullest.
Hosted and narrated by:
Lisa Lyons (Sharra)
Started 06/25/14.
Scenes played: 5
License: Community License