In the remnants of California in the year 2019, rebels known as zone-runners fight against the forces of Better Living Industries, better known as BL/IND. BL/IND has banned all expressions of color, music, and emotion, even passing out pills to keep the citizens apathetic and complete puppets of the company.
Yet hope still remains with the zone-runners. Groups such as the Young Bloods (who fight from within the city) to gangs like the Fabulous Killjoys (who fight from with out), there are many different types fighting against the draculoids and
S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W units.
So do you fight from within or from outside the city? Do you keep to yourself or do you risk everything to save those around you? Are you for or against BL/IND? Better choose quickly - the pigs are coming.
A/N: Many bands (e.g. Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance etc.) already have character cards. If you would like to play one of them, I can give you my short profile and profile pic, since some of them are intertwined with other characters. Also, no non-canon relationships. This means no Frerard, or Peterick, among others.
Hosted and narrated by:
Bekah Teske (JokerAndPirouette)
Started 11/02/14.
Scenes played: 5
License: Community License