The cyclops was a terrifying legend in ancient Greece. Stories of heroes fighting these beasts are retold as myth from generation to generation. Most people see it as a fun story with no truth behind it. Most people are wrong. Since the dawn of man, a secret order has protected Earth from these alien creations known as the cyclops. In modern times they have created a team to deal with the ‘once-per-century’ invasion.
Cyclops Squad is a cooperative group of forces from various member nations in the U.N., but is kept a secret from the general populace. These soldiers have never seen their enemy, nor are their any videos or pictures to reference. The last invasion in 1920 was the most vicious one yet. Archives at The Order of the Cyclops, TOC, show that these invasions have been happening every 100 years on the dot since the dawn of man. One eyed beasts that were larger than 20 men intent on causing as much destruction as possible. Even they did not know the origin beyond that they ‘fell from the sky’. 2020 promises to be the worst one yet; can the cyclops squad defend Earth again or will it fall?
Hosted and narrated by:
Started 12/01/19.
Scenes played: 3
License: Community License