The most disappointing thing about the Age of Enlightenment was how little there was in the world. The dragons were chased from the corners of the map and the monsters driven from the night.
Now, in this age of Modification, of sentient AI and artificial body parts, the punks are trying to change that. A new punk movement has developed in MegaCity 5.2. They are taking the change too far. They’re becoming… unnatural.
You are a member of the the Department of Enforced Nature’s new Taskforce - DENT, sponsored by the Android MicroApple Corp.
AMAC do not oppose cybernetics (they develop an advanced line themselves), but only the communities and identities built upon them. They believe that these communities undermine the human baseline, and represent potentially dangerous political powers. They’re just… not human any more.
Your mission is to integrate yourselves into the Freak community, as it has come to be known, report back and potentially to undermine any political powers that may exist within the mire of their neighbourhoods.
Narrator Notes:
- Set to slow as we get things going during a busy period in my work, but hopefully we’ll be able to speed it up in around a week’s time.
- All genre-appropriate character classes welcome.
Hosted and narrated by:
Andy Dainty (AndytheCorsair)
Started 05/10/14.
Scenes played: 2
License: Community License