The Sun and Water mingle in complete harmony at the turn of the century. The year is 1899 and Boston is the hub of the steam-powered revolution. But, a small volcanic island in the middle of the Atlantic has caught the attention of many of the world’s leading minds. An expedition was sent out by one of the leading minds, Ichabod Stark, but nothing has been heard from them in months. Flyers have been popping up around the streets of Boston seeking a new group to find out exactly what happened to famed explorer, John Williams’, missing team.
What: This game will touch on a few genres; namely, steampunk and supernatural thriller. When thinking about the world you will be playing in, consider basic steampunk technology (steam engine, cogworks, and gas powered) as well as mild mysticism that you may find in a story by Lovecraft.
Where & When: The first chapter takes place in a fictionalized Boston at the turn of the century. Although many things will be similar, this Boston will have a very Steampunk feel to it. The second chapter will take place on the airship Precedence. The details of the airship will be included in the chapter, but it will also have a steampunk feel. The third chapter will be the beginning of the scenes taking place on the island of Crescendo. The island is a mostly uncharted island in the middle of the Atlantic ocean.
Who: The characters are all members of either the crew of the airship Precedence or members of the expedition team sent to find the lost team led by John Williams. Each character will have some skill which makes them a valuable member of the team. Roles to be filled are hinted at on the two Nature cards provided, but any and all ideas will be considered. (Please look at the other characters to see which role would best fit in.)
I’m looking for around 6-8 players, but I may choose more or less depending on interest and quality of applications.
From my time playing on Storium I’ve seen that game speed is never guaranteed. So, although it will be set to normal, I will advance the story as quickly or slowly as I deem appropriate. That being said, I also hope that it level out to a normal speed and will do my best to make this happen. A lot of games start out very fast due to player excitement, so be prepared for this when applying.
I’m looking for a more dramatic feel, but humor and romance are always appropriate.
Note on player control: Unless you have permission from the player which is expressed in the commentary or have worked together outside the game (ie, GoogleDoc) there should be no control of other people’s characters being taken (this includes dialogue and actions). Major NPCs can be controlled within limits, while minor NPCs can be controlled to a much greater degree. If at any time you wish for me to take control of an NPC, just let me know.
Hosted and narrated by:
Zach Paragioudakis (monikerzap)
Started 07/28/14.
Scenes played: 5
License: Community License