This story takes place in the suburbs of a town called Allezythia, which resides on a rather large Island called Quaero.
One side of the island has a town and the suburbs in which our story starts are on the outskirts of town.
The other side of the island is a giant forest the two are separated by MT.Aesling. Some houses are on the mountain though not many but it is said that there is even a house built into the mountain somewhere though no one has seen it for themselves in this century. Allezythia is a happy little town, home to several old families descended from the founders of the town.
A little about the location from other view points;
Quaero is a focal point of mystical and arcane energy that flows up through the mountain, and the island itself is seen to many occult followers as a magical creation because it was not where it is now in the early 1600’s.
Many things have happened on the island as of late that can not be explained be the small police force of Allezythia. There have been people who just vanish off the island with no clear evidence as to where they might have gone for all their possessions are there, and they took no known transportation, and on the island it means that that person went into the ocean, but there is no proof of this either.
The officials of Allezythia have sent word to experts in many areas of life in hopes that they would come and find out what happened to their loved ones.
There is a coven of witches mostly old biddies playing at being witches to scrounge up tourists, but what will you discover in this story is not for the faint of heart.
Hosted and narrated by:
Started 07/02/14.
Scenes played: 2
License: Community License