Lisa Conners or “-=Savigirl=-“ as her avatar name read as it hung over her head, weightless, at all times, crouched in the middle of a large thicket in a forest. A large boar-like creature stood only steps away. Three days without water and food had made her desperate. She tightened her grip on the ornately carved Elven javelin in her hand. the blade at the tip seemed to flow like water into the wooden haft, it fit comfortably in her hand.
It was almost time to pounce on her prey. The thought of a warm cooked meal, however digital it was, brought her comfort. “Continue…” wasn’t a game to her anymore, it was survival of the fittest. Weeks trapped inside the game had proven that to her time and time again.
She took stance, and drew back her arm like one of her previous human encounters had shown her.
She held her breath… Releasing the spear with a mighty grunt and a throw so hard her shoulder popped audibly.
The noise raised the attention of the wild beast. looking directly at her the javelin made contact with the beasts face, missing the eye by a matter of an inch and tearing the ear clean off.
The beast reeled with anger, letting out a vicious cry that turned quickly into charging the thicket Lisa was hiding in.
Shit lisa thought to herself as she attempted to stand and evade the charge. A moment too late and a hare to upright the beast’s foot-long and three inch thick tusks penetrated Lisa through the lungs. She gasped for air desperately but none came. The world around her darkened slowly.
Back at the camp Lisa awakens in the center of the spawn clearing. Gasping for air it returns to her quickly. She finds her voice and the pain of the puncture and screams audibly for minutes before the pain diminishes to nothing. Looking up she sees the miles-high walls of “The City.”
I will get there one day. I will get home… one day
Hosted and narrated by:
Matt Jessee (rizaleous)
Started 04/15/16.
Scenes played: 7
License: Community License
image source: Wizards of the Coast, 2014