The end of the world was about a decade ago, but that’s not quite as big a deal when humanity has settled the rest of the worlds in the system too. The ends of Mars, Venus and Mercury were a bit anti climactic after that. The fact that the vast majority of humanity, if you can call someone whose existence is purely virtual really human, were in favor of the end of the world also made it a bit less awful and shocking for most. For the past 13 years the cloud, as the mass of distributed computing that makes up the inner solar system is popularly known, has been slowly assimilating the asteroid belt. Meanwhile meatpeople, as they tend to proudly call themselves, are spread throughout the outer system with some enclaves in the belt to trade with the cloud. However, suddenly, the cloud goes silent, and the robot bodies, known as avatars, that cloud dwellers had been using to interact with meat people in the outer planets, are suddenly occupied with a far less friendly consciousness. The game occurs in Jovetown, the largest city on Ganymede, beginning as the first of the avatars come awake with their new consciousness.
Hosted and narrated by:
Babylon Horuv (Babylon)
Started 05/17/18.
Scenes played: 3
License: Community License w/ Creative Commons