Following the aggressive spread of the disease commonly known as Grave, humans fled Earth’s surface (commonly known as Surface) for the ever-expanding, floating metropolis of Clockcity. Funded by the massive Masters Enterprises, the citadel admitted Citizens exclusively upon the status of their health. Eerily humanoid androids served as gatekeepers, their barcode eyes the only difference between them and any other Citizen in Clockcity.
Scientists, engineers, and managers of Masters Enterprises live in the wealthy Cog Heights of the citadel, their towers filled with plant life procured from Surface ages before Grave took root and killed everything. Ordinary Citizens eek out a living in the Gear End, the dark alleys and ramshackle hovels shadowed by the soaring spires of Cog Heights.
Although Clockcity should serve as a welcome haven from the death of Surface, Citizens are wary of the armies of androids policing streets and managing their lives. Are the Masters family and the faceless board members of their company truly saving mankind, or could they be hiding dark secrets about the true cause of Grave and the death of Surface?
Note: This is my first time narrating a story. Feel free to create your strengths and weaknesses and subplots. If you do not like the natures I have provided and would like to make your own, give it a try and I’ll let you know if anything clashes with my plans for the world. I’m hoping to keep this small— maybe 3 players max—so the more you develop your character, the better the chance I’ll choose you to play.
Hosted and narrated by:
Ryyan (newfoundjoye)
Started 05/16/14.
Scenes played: 4
License: Community License